
Leonardo Da Vinchi
In small town
Vinchi, which was located betweenEmpoly and Pistoye, in April 15, 1452, on Saturday, Leonardo Di Ser Pyero De Antonio was born. His father, the notary, had love with woman from Ankino, certain Kathrine, who has married a peasant later. Despite of an illegal origin small Leonardo was recognized in the house of the father, where he has grown and has received education. His grandfather Antonio has died in a 1468, and one year after all fatherly family has moved to Florence.
Early exhibited art talant of a boy has induced the father to send him to tutoring to one from the foremen - sculptor, most scalene and known in Florence, jeweler and artist Andre Verrokkyo. It's a small info, that is known about earlyer activity of Leonardo. There was saved a few exemplars of painting of Verrokkyo himself, but the tradition attributes to a hand of Leonardo (Historians of art confirm it) angel and landscape in a picture
"Babtize of Christ", which is stored now in Uffizy and was happening from Verrokkyo's workshop. The creative individuality of Leonardo was begun here. In a 1472 he was entered as the foreman in Shop of artists. It meant, that, at least, to that time he was not the schoolboy of Verrokkyo, and, probably, he has even abandoned his workshop. Leonardo attended to all kinds of art, he always connected art with scientific knowledge as the result of steadfast observation and indefatigable research of natural phenomena.
In a 1480 Leonardo has received access to academy, in a garden on square San-Marco, which was under protection of Lorenzo Magnificent. It is possible to consider, that Leonardo has adjoined to a sculpture for the first time close here, which could involve him with possibilities of plastic expression. In that year the church San Donoto Scopeto near to Florence has ordered to him a composition
Worship of volkhves, which nowadays is placed in Uffizy.
However Florentine medium seem to the artist close, not promoting to inspiration. The solution is possible, that his desision to change circumstances was that fact, that he has has not come in number of four artists, directed in Rome for a work at Sikstin's chapel. There has played the role inherent to Leonardo anxiety constantly inducing him to search all new experience to change the creative horizons. In 1482 he came to the Duke of Milan Ludovik Sphorza, to whom he sent a letter about his professional abilities, including as the engineer of civil structures è and constructor of military machines.. Milan has rendered him a favorable reception. Together with artists, brothers De Predis, he lived in a quarter of Porta Tichinese and in a 1483 was engaged to write altar image for chapel of Immakolata in church of San Franchesco Grande. So he has created
in rocks, one from which variants is in Paris, and other - in London.
Gradually the activity of Leonardo enveloped all new areas: in a 1494 he conducted hydraulic works, he gave a lot of forces to a realization of the project on reclamation of Lombard plain. Nevertheless, in a 1495 the foreman has begun to paint the Secret party in a monastery Santa Maria Delle Grazie. The year after the French king Ludovik 12 has intruded in Milan duchy. Leonardo has left city, has moved in Mantue, and then - to Venice; in a 1503 he has returned to Florence, where he and Michelangelo had received the order to paint a Hall of Large Council in Palazzo Sinyory. Leonardo should represent here
the Battle near Angiary, Buanarrotyshould represent the Battle near Kashine. As well as in a number of other cases, the search of new means for fulfilment of a composition has hindered the artist to finish work. Probably, in that year he has written
Since June, 1506 till September, 1507 Leonardo is again in Milan, where since 1512 a new duke, Maximilian Sforza ruled. September, 24 Leonardo together with the schoolboys has moved to Rome; here he conducted of a different kind and scientific surveys. From Rome the artist went in various places and every time came back there. mathematical and scientific surveys. From Rome the artist went in various places and every time came back there.
In May, 1513 Leonardo has accepted the invitation of the French king Francisco I to arrive in Ambuaz. Here, where Leonardo has lived to the death, he attended to registration of holidays and continued development of the hydraulic projects providing use of the rivers of France. In April, 23 1513 the artist has made the will, by mentioning in him everyone, who was to him close. In May, 2 the life of Leonardo has broken. He was buried in church San Florentino in Ambuaze. During religious wars in 16 century his grave was destroded, and the remnants were dispersed.